Friday, May 31, 2019


Like you I am starting to think, OK fantasize, about retirement.  Of course the only thing holding me back is money.  So I start to wonder how I could make money without really working.  This lifestyle thing seems to get Kylie Jenner money, though I am not sure how, and I thought, why not me?  Of course I am not young or beautiful, but I thought I could write about the not young and less handsome among us with real passion and experience!  I hope you will join me to laugh and ponder the trials of getting old from becoming a regular Jeopardy watcher, to traveling, to weight battles, and fashion tips. 


  1. I look forward to mirth, snark and sarcasm.

    1. Thanks for the comments and the pressure to snarky! I will endeavor not to disappoint. Check out my latest post on the socioeconomic signals the bell sleeve is sending!

  2. As a member of the boomer generation I'm looking forward to some Gen X snark!

    1. Thanks for the comments and the pressure to snarky! I will endeavor not to disappoint. Check out my latest post on the socioeconomic signals the bell sleeve is sending!

  3. Oh I’ll follow! Always loved ur wit, humor and viewpoints!!!

  4. Will follow you Erin; can’t wait to see what pearls you share. My wish is to retire in 10 years when both boys are in college and Jimmy and I will spend a month in Italy traveling and be the best creative selves ������

    1. Aaahhh Jimmy must be adventurous - I look forward to the amazing photos!
